10 Wise Ways to Overcome Angry and Hit Children

10 Wise Ways to Overcome Angry and Hit Children

Children are soul mates, hearts for parents. Therefore, whatever the condition of the child will add to the joy and happiness of a family. But it cannot be denied, some children carry traits and characters that are slightly problematic.

Some children are aggressive or angry. This character will appear when they reach the age of two years. They will show their aggressive nature by being angry and hitting others or even venting it around objects. Of course this makes many parents worried.

Indeed, this trait will diminish or disappear as the child ages, but of course this also requires the active role of parents so that children are able to control themselves well.

Don't let your child get into unfavorable conditions and habits, because this can make a child isolated or avoided by his friends in the school environment or the playing environment. And this will make the child isolated and feel inferior. If this happens, it is certainly not good for the child's mental condition.

So, don't leave it moms! Here are 10 ways to deal with angry and hitting children.

1. Calm the child

If the child is aggressive by hitting his friend while playing, take the child away or avoid his friend. Invite the child to a quiet place, then ask why he hit his friend. Then give an explanation, direction, guidance to the child. Tell him that anger is permissible but may not hit or hurt others.

2. Diligently listen to children's stories

Lots of parents who ignore or underestimate what children are saying or talking about. As a result, children feel neglected by their parents. They feel unimportant for their parents, so this causes the child to express feelings of resentment towards his parents by hitting or slamming objects around him. So, it is better not to ignore or underestimate the words and deceit of the child. Children also need friends to complain and even children also need advice and opinions from their parents.

3. Building communication with children

If parents often communicate with children, listen to what children complain about, parents can give children good advice and advice. In addition, children feel safe and comfortable when getting attention from their parents. So, build communication with children from an early age, even since the child is still a baby. This must be done by parents so that parents understand what children want and feel.

4. Hug the child as often as possible

In general, children do not know how to get proper attention from parents or other people. Children will do things that can make them the center of attention of many people with mischief. This method is certainly not liked by many people. Even most of the children beat their friends to get attention.

To avoid this happening, parents must be able to find ways, one of them by hugging children more often. Hug the child as often as possible, gently rub the head and back and say that you love and love him very much. Tell the child if he has to be a smart child, a good child and always do good things. Thus the child will be calmer and not be an aggressive child.

5. Give good examples to children

Parents are the first teacher for their children, and the house is their first school. As a good teacher, you and your partner must teach good things. It is very important for parents to teach good character to their sons and daughters. Say words that are good for children, so that children say good words when talking to other people. Likewise with treatment and attitude. Show a good treatment or attitude to the child, so that he also does something good for his parents and others.
6. Never hit a child

Not infrequently, when emotions parents will beat their children when their children are naughty or fussy. Parents actually want to show their environment that parents do not spoil their children and even seem to punish their children. In fact, the attitude of these parents is not wrong, but not the old age parents treat children by physically hurting their children. Because children do not understand the mistakes they make. It would be better if parents provide understanding but firm for children.

7. Look for the cause

Educating and directing children is not always easy. Many things parents must learn. Facing the child's temperament attitude, parents should pay attention or look for what triggers it. By finding and knowing the cause, parents will find it easier to find solutions and overcome them.

8. Ask for family or expert support

If the child's attitude is too worrying and parents cannot handle it, parents should ask for family help or even expert help.

Many things parents can do to make our children easier to manage than before. Teach children to speak politely. Give understanding to children, if hitting is not commendable or bad. Tell the child if we as humans must love each other.

9. Don't compare children with friends or relatives

Sometimes to set a good example, parents compare children with friends or relatives who behave sweetly. Even though the intention is good, this will make the child feel inferior and excluded. Children feel worthless, and can even add to their aggressive attitude. So, better advise him slowly. Treat him gently and lovingly. Tell him, that you are very proud of him if he is nice.

10. Don't let children watch television shows that show violent scenes

Accompany children while watching television. Do not let children watch television shows that show violent scenes, such as hitting, cursing or other negative scenes. For childhood, this will be recorded in his brain and affect his mentality later. So be selective in choosing television programs. Choose events that are educational and age appropriate for children.

Well, what about moms with your baby? The point is that as a parent you certainly need to understand more about controlling and correcting your child's bad habits. Give more attention to children and give them trust to be a better child. Teach children the meaning of affection among humans, especially to friends and family. Thus the child will grow into a more moral and ethical child. [Yn]


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